Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Saturday 14 July 2012

Day 78-79 Melbourne

Today are the last few days of our trip and today we are going to visit Sovereign Hill in Balarat.

This place is amazing and we all had a great time. We certainly understand why you get a two day ticket to look over this place.

We spent the day waking around and seeing various displays of days gone past. There are also several under ground mine tours, whcih the kids enjoyed very much.

We were all very tired at the end of the day, and after dinner we all crashed to bed. Tomorrow will see us pack for the final time, its a bit of a strange feeling i must say.

This trip has certainly been an adventure of a life time and we all have had a great time. We have all leared something new about each other, us, the parents, have certainly grown a lot more patient with the kids, Bella has completely come out of her shell and Krystian has grown up into a small man.

We are all looking forward to going home, but saddened with the fact that this great adventure of ours has come to an end. As we lay in bed, blond and I keep trying to think of ways to stay and keep going, only to be faced with the reality of work.

Sigh, oh well, all good things have to come to an end.....

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