Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Let there be.....................Film?

Given the extent of the travels and the countless memories to be encountered, we figured, its best to get a video camera to capture the many moments of mayhem that will entail this trip. That way, when we are old and geriatric, we can remember the great time we all had. Now i know most of you will be saying, "what, you didn't have a video camera all this time", for me, the answer is simple, I'm not the kind of japanese tourist guy, i tend to enjoy the view and take lots of photos, rather then contentiously look through the view finder, it's just not me.

So after countless research (read, looking through swags of sale catalogs), we settled on a Samsung Q10 HD video camera.

This is a great bit of kit for not much dosh, supper easy to operate, even Kristian could turn it on an use it with no instructions, takes excellent pictures and videos and best of all, even the cack-handed can use it.

So onwards and upwards as they say, 20 days of work left, not that I'm counting, and we will be departing this island of ours to see what the foreigners are up to.

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