Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Sunday 1 April 2012

4 Days out and Counting..........4.........3.......2.....1

So four days out till we depart to spend Easter with the family in Launceston. Today blond (the wife) and I did some more packing. Blond did a great job with the clothes and in essence we will be living out of a bag for the next four days and over Easter, until we leave on the boat on Monday night next week. The cupboards look very bare so I guess we have enough spare clothes.

Camper packing is going well, all water is now on board, just need the food but can't pack that till Wednesday night, I mean, mans' got to eat right.

With things getting to the pointy end, I sit here pondering what the great adventure will bring, resulting in a that giddy feeling you get similar to the day I first met my wife, whilst at the same time there is a sense of mild apprehension as to what we are about to attempt.

 All things being considered, I think it is safe to say we are about to embark on an adventure of a life time, so as I sit here with beer in hand, pondering what the next three months will bring, I need to remember, relax, have fun and enjoy the time you have.



  1. How often do people get pulled over for being overweight? (Not fat people, I mean their tow rig). I woulda thought the bigger worry would be shagging the suspension, but I spose you got that all modded up !

  2. Yeah suspension all good no issues there but the issue is one of insurance and road worthy, we will see just how bad it is once fully packed on Wednesday.
