Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Monday 23 April 2012

22nd April Day 13 - Coffs Harbour

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our princess who turns 3 TODAY!!! ......

The birthday Butterfly Princess!

Today saw us having a much needed laid back day (for the sanity of both us and the kids!). We are all trying our hardest to be civil and kind to each other!! ..its proving to be VERY difficult a lot of the time! mainly due to the wet weather and the kids constant whining. This is not normally the case when they can just run free and not be in mud or water or rain or wind or sun or you know EVERYTHING. LOL.  With this in mind, not much was on the agenda. We headed back to jetty markets but was quickly disappointed! I think  we are very spoilt down in Tassie with the Salamanca markets and all. From here we did a drive by through the CBD of Coffs Harbour. Truly blink and you'll miss it because there isn't really that much to see. disappointing. Coffs Harbour, whilst it is a nice place didn't live up to expectation. Not that i'm sure what our expectation was. The caravan park was lovely (however expensive) and the Big Banana was fantastic but the city as a whole was a bit of a let down. Anyway,......
The big Banana was AWSOME!! There was many things to do at the Big Banana. The day previously we went to the Water slide park and so we didn't return back there today (much to the kids disgust!). On arrival we headed straight for the Toboggan ride! Bella was scared (there isn't much in lief at the moment that Bella isn't scared off) and Krystian was in boys Heaven; along with his father! Bella and i went at a girly pace but the boys fanged it down the track!

i thought we took more photos at the big Banana..... but woops we didn't! The big Banana was a great  place to get up close and walk through the plantation and see how they grow. We were able to watch two documentaries about Banana's in Coffs Harbour and try their famous frozen chocolate coated bananas! YUM!! 
From here saw us heading back to the kids favourite place, the pool. This is where we spent the remainder of the afternoon before beginning the pack up for our travels to the Gold Coast tomorrow. 


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