Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Day 15 - Gold Coast

WOW!! what a day! Today we spent the WHOLE day at Dreamworld. The young and old kids had a ball LOL We started off our visit bright and early, and thanks to my awsome parents they shouted my kids to a Tiger cub experience! That meant that both our babies got to spend 20 minutes watching and touching the new tiger cubs at Dreamworld! .....and of course me (their mother) got to be there too to "supervise " the children (as indicated in the rules and fine print). The tiger cubs are adorable!!

Whilst i don't have many photos with the kids and the cubs (i was trying to juggle a scared 3 year old and take photos and have professional ones done at same time) i did purchase a couple of professional ones for a permanent keep sake. Krystian was so excited and loved every minute of his experience. 
From here our day long journey begun. Krystian is one brave boy (much braver than his mother) and went on most of the roller coasters and rides. He did line up to brave the tower of terror but there was a problem with the ride and it had some down time. Krystyian wouldn't line back up again!! LOL !!  The "boys" ride of the day was the Mick Doohan's Moto - coaster ride. This ride involved you sitting on top of a motorbike whilst whizzing around the roller coaster track. Due to height restrictions and 5mm Krystian had to sit in one of the two side carts whilst Maciek sat on the motorbike. I couldn't get a photo of the father son team but stole one from web to give you an image. 

Bella, whilst scared of EVERYTHING had a ball in Wiggle world! She got to watch the Dorothy show and go on the two rides here, the wiggles tea cups and the big red car ride. She had a grin from ear to ear and her big bro was a good sport about it all. 

Krystian braved rides Maciek and I wouldn't. He even went on rides with out us. I was nervous about letting him go (...he's my baby!) LOL he LOVED EVERY ride he went on!!!

Of course we had to see and do the good old faithfuls that have always been a part of Dreamworld (well they were when i was there 16 years ago). 

After a fantastic fun filled day we departed Dreamworld at 5pm and headed back to camp. Bypassing the supermarket. Wow it is so nice to be able to buy fresh tasty fruit and vegetables from a greengrocer. Maciek was in HEAVEN because he found his Polish "Ogurki" or for us English speakers his Polish gherkins. The kids both share his love of the pickle LOL!! 
Back to camp we headed and landed straight at the pool for a much needed swim. Today has been warm 28 degrees and muggy. All we ask of for tomorrow is for the humidity to POQ (piss off quick) so we can get our washing dry which has been drying since leaving  Coffs Harbour on Sunday. 
Its now late and 11pm;  Bed time.

 Over and out

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