Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 8 - Dubbo

Whilst the weather was forecast for rain, today was BEAUTIFUL and 26 degrees! We didn't plan to do too much today after yesterdays epic driving endeavors; so we got up early and headed for the Taronga Western Plains Zoo. We had a few options regarding mode of transport around the 6 km zoo circuit via car, foot, push bike or golf buggy, but all four of us thought it would be a great day to take the push bike option. Awsome fun, except  Maciek and I are paying for it with sore bums tonight from the bike seat!

 The kids had a ball. Krystian rode his own bike and bella dinked in a baby seat on the back of my bike. The kids had a ball seeing all of the animals up close and especially liked the talk and feed presentations we saw on the Tigers and Hippopotamus'. Krystian was hysterical when he saw how a Hippopotamus defecates by spreading it in a spraying motion with its tail.... GROSSSSSS!!!!

My little Rhinoceros'!!

After four hours of bike riding we called it a day at the zoo and decided to head "home".(the tent) ......via the gift shop!
The kids both added to their teddy collection; and Krystian in particular who just about has a zoo in his bed at home (in TS) adding to his collection with a baby Tiger cub.

Tomorrow we are  "on the road again!.....Just can't wait to get on the road again!, seein' places that i've never seen before, ....just can't wait to get on the road againnnnnn" ..... Were off to Tamworth!
Catch ya' all in the Country Music Capital! .

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