Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Saturday 21 April 2012

Day 12 - Coffs Harbour

Well 12 days in and nobody has been sent back home, nor has anyone died! 
Whilst we are begining to become less tolerant of each other (after being in each others shoes for the past 12 days) we are all still enjoying ourselves, sharing new experiences with each other. I think Krystian's brain is in overload with the MILLIONS of questions he is providing for us to answer (not that that is a bad thing!)

Last night provided us  with an amazing amount of rain. Bella was scared stiff and subsequently slept in or bed. The camp site this morning was like a slosh pit of mud!!  With this in mind we quickly packed up and set off for the days adventures around Coffs Harbour. Our fist stop , The Pet Porpoise Pool. What a fun place! The kids were treated special for their birthdays (although Bella was too scared to go near the animals). We all had photos and kisses from the dolphins and seals. Krystian was even lucky enough to be able to do a special job during the Marine Magic Show. He got to brush the Dolphins teeth!! We were able to feed the seals, fish, sharks and Penguins. What a fun few hours!!

"Ellie" the Seal!
Unsure about what the weather was going to do for us, we headed back to the tent to get our bathers and decided after some lunch that we would head down to the Big Banana for a look, swim and ride on the Toboggan ride around the banana plantation. Due to the rain overnight the Toboggan ride was closed; so we headed for the water park. Here Maciek and I watched the kids go up and down the water slides for an hour and a half. The kids had a ball!!

Returning to the camp site to hop straight back in the pool was on the agenda next. The kids were, as imagined, exhausted after their day of swimming and a chill out session in the pool was in order. Tomorrow will see us strolling around the Coffs Harbour weekend markets, returning to the Big Banana and paying a visit to the Butterfly house (all if the kids behave!) LOL! 

.....night all xx

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