Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Thursday 12 April 2012

Day 3 - Chillaxin in Wodonga

Today bought us a relaxing day sitting around the camp, watching the kids play and going for a small adventure to Wodonga CBD.  The crazy kidlets wanted to swim, so after lunch we went to the camp swimming pool. They had a ball whilst Maciek (who has the man flu :-(  ) and I sat on the sun lounges watching from the side. The pool was FREEZING!!!!.....and in true child style, they were shivering and blue but NO they were adamant they weren't cold.

Earlier in the day, after breakfast, we went for a short drive into the Wodonga CBD and to visit the Australian Military Museum. WOW!!! it was huge! It covered every little part of the Australian Military history. The kids had a blast and we did too! Krystian's favourite part of the Museum was being able to play with a pretend machine gun and trying on the soldiers helmets and driving in an old stationary jeep. 

After leaving the military museum, we headed across the boarder into New South Wales to the Hume Dam. We had a picnic lunch here in the sun and had a lovely little stroll to the dam wall. We were able to see the Hume dam on one side and the River Murray on the other. 

After our little outing, we returned to the camp to relax once again and map out our day tomorrow, travelling from Wodonga to Canberra. The kids couldn't wait to get back to the camp site to continue playing on the jumping pillow and play equipment. Whilst they play we pack up and organise ourselves for tomorrow and cook dinner. As night falls, we all snuggle up in bed and ponder on what the following day will bring. 


  1. We loved that Army Museum but there was a big fat snake in one of the trucks when we went. It was also about 42C and sweltering!

  2. Gotta comment on Maciek doing 'burn outs' in the Army vehicle!!!
