Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Day 5 & 6 Canberra

Maciek says "Canberra!..Blink and you'll miss it!" Driving into Canberra from Hume Highway kinda felt like driving into the middle of no where. Or how Maciek say " Bum F*%k middle of no where!" Delightful person!! LOL. Canberra, surprisingly has been a very pleasant place to be and drive. Maciek has decided that the people of Canberra are the most passive drivers he has ever come across! Rani and Kate will be hysterical over this comment i'm sure LOL. ( (Wog) Not my fault these guys, Canberians, are slow asssssssss.....). They are very considerate and don't seem to be running late for anything. Possibly because it only takes 20 minutes to drive from one end of Canberra to the other.  They are how ever much more pleasant people to drive with than Melbournians LOL They are frigging scary!, aggressive and LOVE their HORNS!!!! LOL
anyway enough about driving..........
We have been so busy in Canberra we are sitting here tonight with droopy eyes and aching legs. I never realised how much stuff there is to do and see here in the Capital of Australia.  The last two days saw us visiting the National Dinosaur Museum, which the kids loved. Especially Krystian who is Dinosaur MAD!!! 

Two strange things we have noticed about Canberra. 
1) All of the ACT number plates (which have 3 letters followed by 3 numbers) commence with a Y. Why ??....we want to know too but no one can tell us LOL
2) Bottle-O-'s don't exist. They are all liquor marts!

After the museum, we had a quick bite to eat, followed by a beautiful stroll around a place called Cockington Gardens. This is a huge garden full of miniature buildings, and manicured gardens. One could get lost here for hours. 

And just because our day wasn't jam packed already, we venture to the Australian War Memorial. This place is mind blowing!!! So beautiful! words can not describe the spine tingling feeling as you walk around the exhibits. We underestimated the time needed to be spent at this place; and in fact had no idea that the most AMAZING museum we have ever seen was right in front of our eyes! So much so that we had to return the following day to complete the journey we had just begun. Krystian was in awe at what he was seeing and learning about the dark history of this world. 

German Aircraft from WWII

Prior to returning back to the War Memorial we took the kids to Questacon. WOW! so much fun. Brings out the inner child in anyone. Kids had a ball. I think Bella's favorite room was the Mini Q for kids 0 - 6. Here they could play with and experiment with water, and climbing, space and building. Krystian had fun in this room. But the highlight of the visit was Krystian participating in the adrenaline junkie free falling slide. 6m drop from the top onto the slide. Maciek didn't think he would do it; but Krystian proved him wrong and LOVED every second of it.So much so that he did it 3 times and would have continued except that was all that he was allowed to do.  So proud of him! Neither of us did it; we were too chicken shit!

Bella's self portrait! LOL

Tomorrow were on the road again! off to Dubbo for two nights. Hoping to be able to slow the pace down a little and relax!

1 comment:

  1. Lette loves Bella's self portrait! Lette wants to know when is Bells coming to poppy's to play?
