Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Friday 20 April 2012

Day 11 - Tamworth - Coffs Harbour

April 20! Happy Birthday to our darling big boy who turns 7 today!

Another day on the road today saw us driving through and around some spectacular views of the surrounding mountain ranges and valleys between Armidale and Coffs Harbour. Four hours of hilly windy roads through rural NSW provided us with fabulous photo opportunities.........and Maciek the opportunity to think he was a rally car driver! He was like an excited kid in a lolly shop! There was a couple of moments where i had to remind him he was towing a trailer.

We knew it was only a matter of time before the rain caught up with us after escaping it for the past 10 days. Well today it found us!! We had our first experience of having to set up the tent i drizzly rain!.....and humidity!! 28 degrees today in Coffs Harbour. Never the less, we got on with it and no sooner the rain had passed. We spent the remainder of the day wandering around the caravan park checking out the facilities and made our first adventure down to the beach (Emerald Beach). 

The kids have got the swimming bug and would happily spend their days in the pool. So before going out for dinner we went to the pool for a quick dip. Krystian was extremely proud of himself as he mastered diving (still some perfecting to do) and Bella, well she just has no fear!

For dinner we went to an awsome restaurant called Outback Jacks! We left there very happy customers! Maciek enjoyed his pork Ribs he has been longing for since leaving Tasmania and Krystian and Bella loved the kids room and their crocodile drink bottles (Don't ask!) LOL 

The Birthday Boy!

Macieks huge Dingo dinner! - Ribs, steak chips and salad!

Time for bed, its raining and no better place to be than bed. Night all.  

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