Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Saturday 28 April 2012

Day 19 - Gold Coast

You guessed it, its has rained and rained and rained! The tent has finally, after three days of being saturated begun to leak. Off to Bunnings and 100 dollars later we have a heavy duty tarp to fend off some of the water.Seems to be doing the job nicely  and one wet husband through to his undies (and a kind man from next door).  The rain just doesn't let up. I don't think i've ever seen rain quite like it. It sounds like we are camping beside an amazing waterfall; sadly my waterfall is just the water falling from the tent roof and surrounding sun sails in the camp ground.  There's just no way to describe what it is like to sleep on a damp pillow. I think this rain has re-surfaced the inner grouch in all of us! We are all, kids included sick of the rain and can't seem to find anywhere to escape it. Today saw us venture not far away from the caravan camping kitchen/sitting room. Here the kids have watched tv, played on the laptop and coloured in. We did treat ourselves to the movies to just get away from all the water for a while. We went to see The Lorax. It was a wonderful feel good movie that both the kids enjoyed. Not surprisingly the surrounding odour in the movie theater was that of wet dog! Never the less when we ventured back outside, to no one's surprise the rain was still there in the same heavy fall. We returned back to the camp grounds and enjoyed some lunch at the bistro here at Treasure Island. ......and then what else could we do but venture back to the camping kitchen to retreat from the rain.

We are at a bit of a loose end to know what to do when we leave here and where we should go. It looks as though Fraser Island is, sadly, off the cards for this holiday. I think we have decided to stop over at Hervey Bay for the couple of days we were suppose to be on Fraser Island. With this in mind, lesson number two learnt today (strangely familiar to lesson number one). Don't book and pre- pay for accommodation because without fourteen days notice it is not refundable!
We have now managed to waste another day here in paradise, and dinner needs to be cooked for the starving children.
Lets see what tomorrow will bring!

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