Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Day Two... Melbourne - Wodonga (Via Bonnie Doon & Glenrowan)

Day 2 commenced with a huge breakfast in Melbourne, prior to making our way back out to the Xtrail factory to pick up  the camper. The boys (at Xtrail) did a GREAT job! (as usual). Departing the hustle and bustle of the busy city of Melbourne we headed for the Victorian High Country......Well......Once we sorted out the dilemmas with our GPS wishing for us to do circles around the outskirts of Melbourne. Stupid GPS!, lucky we had the trusty old fashioned paper maps to help us put our journey and GPS back on track!  This morning saw us travelling through the Yarra Valley! What a beautiful place! With Autumn comes beautiful colours and this was displayed through out the whole morning, along with all of the vineyards to complete this beautiful picture. A late lunch was had at a small country town known to many from the famous Australian movie "The Castle" at Bonnie Doon! We couldn't pass up the opportunity to stop here and feel the serenity! ... the hours or serenity!

(This one's for you Dad)

Departing Bonnie Doon, saw us heading for Ned Kelly Country of Glenrowan. Here we were able to see THE BIG Ned and spend a short amount of time looking around this historic town.

Leaving Glenrowan saw us heading towards our final destination for the following day and a half Wodonga. We high tailed it down the Hume highway (what a hideously boring stretch of long freeway) and landed in Wodonga around 4:30 in the afternoon. After setting up the camper us adults kicked back and cooked dinner, whilst the kids happily played in the playground making lots of friends, using up all of the energy they had preserved during the day.

 The kids are now sleeping and we are sitting here next to Lake Hume thinking about what tomorrow will bring!

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