Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Day 16 - Anzac Day - Gold Coast

Anzac day, "Lest we forget"
Whilst we didn't get to any of the Anzac day service (for lack of knowing where they are around here) we did spend some time discussing with the kids the meaning of ANZAC and its importance in our lives and society.
Today saw us taking it easy. We had no plans as such so we took it as a day t just chill and relax.
The morning saw us do the usual breakfast and some daily chores. Whilst us poor adults did the washing and tidying, the kids decided to hire one of the local carts and drive them selves around the park.

Kids being kids, the pleasure of having to self power themselves around the park wore thin after about 30 minutes, well it was fun while it lasted. At around noon we decided to head out and explore the local "natural" attraction, Tambourine Mountain. It was described to us as a National Park with beautiful walks and rainforest with waterfalls.But.......

Upon arrival we found restaurants, shops and generally a busy bustling residential precinct, in which, one can find nestled deeply within the undergrowth, small pockets of National Park areas, no bigger the a couple of football fields. To us Taswegans, where 40% of the WHOLE state is national park, this seamed a little bizarre. Not really a National park like you would find in Tassie. However, the toilets were drop dunnies!

View of the Gold Coast form the top of the mountain
Once we got to the top of the mountain, we first stopped for lunch at a local indian place for some curry. Dodgy??.....well maybe! We won't do it again. We have our favorite Indian restaurant in Hobart and i don't think anything will top that. We did first look at some of the "poshier" places, but could not justify the price tag some of the places were asking for nothing more then a sausage in bread or a schnitzel. With lunch completed, we decided to take a walk in the national park to visit Curtis falls. Just a short walk for the kiddies (as Bella's leg are always broken and never want to walk).

Curtis Falls!

The walk down to the falls is rather nice and generally easy with many steps, winding it way through a thick lush green rain forest. We did notice that the trees here do grow rather weird, with the root system being almost spaghetti like. We were very  intrigued by these.

In the afternoon, with our walking done, we decided to head back to camp for a swim in the pool.

It was here that we found out Bella is really not afraid of the water. Jumping right in and deciding she too would like to go on the extremely slippery fast water slide, ALONE. This was the begging of the end, with the next hour or so spent going down the slide, till the cool night air got the best of all involved.

I see you up there................

After the pool and an easy tea of Spaghetti on toast, we began planning our next day and settled in for an early night. This night would see us use our woolen blankets for the first time in weeks as the temperature plummeted to a mild  8 deg C. (Wog) Hay the colds good for one thing......wink wink...

Tomorrow will see us hit the second fun park, Movie World........

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