Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Monday 25 June 2012

Day 77 - Melbourne

Once again we all slept in, we are all beginning to enjoy this whole sleep thing. Today would see us visit the Melbourne Museum, little did we know just how much there was to see...

We arrived relatively early by our standards, and purchased out tickets, the kids immediately cought glimpses of the Dinosaur exhibits and were gone in a flash. The Museum offers a great to see with many interactive hands on exhibits, including a selection of live bug insects and the like in the insect room.

We spent the morning looking around the lower levels and many of the exhibits, before catching some lunch. At this time the weather outside had turned crappy so once again we headed back for Lygon street for some local pizza for lunch.

We returned to the Museum to finish off the remainder of the exhibits, before heading out to the aquatic center to the wave pool for a swim with the kids. Sadly the photo camera ran out of go juice so not so many pics of the afternoon.

Tomorrow will see us travel to Ballarat and Soverign Hill to find some Gold.

Day 76 - Melbourne

We all slept in this morning once again, it seems with the winter weather and all, we have not been rising out of bed till 8:30am. Its going to take some time to have to get up at 6 am to go to work again. Today would see us visit Melbourne's Science works Museum, which we had only plan to do for half a day, little did we know just how much there was to actually do here.

The science works museum is some what a cross between an interactive museum and Questacon, either way you look at it, a great deal of interactive play for all involved.

As an added bonus, there was an exhibition of Wallace and Gromit on show aswell.

We spent the whole day walking around and interacting with the many exhibits, aswell as visiting the planetarium which had an excellent movie about going to the moon.

After such a long day, we headed in to Lygon street for our favorite treat, Churos at St Churos. Humm their deserts and coffee are to die for.

After stuffing ourselves silly, we retreated to the camp site for dinner and some well deserved sleep.