Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Day 63 - Coober Pedy - Port Augusta

Packing up again for the last time in the "Outback". The bloody sandy desert! Whilst we have had a great time in the outback, and seen some amazing Australian wonders, we are well and truly over the fine dust/sand that comes hand in hand with the outback. Driving a moderate 530kms to Port Augusta sees  us finally back on the Southern coast of Australia, back to the water. Sadly, being south means being cold! Haha, don't be fooled people, and don't get me wrong the Outback is bloody cold too when the sun goes down!
There isn't really a lot to write about the very un-scenic, boring drive from Coober Pedy to Port Augusta along the Stuart Highway; However, we did see our very first wild Emu's along this road. I have never seen Emu's outside of captivity. It was pretty special.

Believe it or not but those specs in the distance are Emu's. 

Following from that, the only scenic ting was a dead cow every 100 meters or so. We have never seen so many dead cows before. Many of the highways and major roads around Australia are surrounded by un- fenced farm land. There are many warnings along the way to watch for live stock but in the dark they are really hard to see. ... and they don't seem to preterbed by cars either. I do have to say i feel sorry for anyone that hits a cow on their journey.I can't imagine it would be too pretty. and no we didn't take any photos. They really are unattractive dead (or alive). LOL
We were a little worried about staying in Port Augusta due to many things you hear about bad places around Australia; and i guess the huge fences topped with razor wire may put the fear of god in people; but seriously how bad can it be. After all we aren't going out at 3am looking for trouble. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

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