Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Friday 1 June 2012

Day 51 - Mt Isa

Mt Isa, what can we say. It was very weird being in the middle of a town with a huge mine and smelter right in the middle.
We started the day with a visit to the look out over the city, just to see exactly what it looked like. needles to say, it's quite ugly, especially with a great big mine hovering over the top of the town.

Shortly after, we went down to the Outback at Isa center, which features a whole exhibition about Mt Isa and how it all came about, along with a GREAT fossil exhibit. We all  really enjoyed ourselves and learned a lot about how Mt Isa came to be.

We attempted to visit the Under Ground Hospital this afternoon but failed to read in the literature that it closed at 2pm (we got there at 1:30) and we did not want to have to rush so we decided to put this off till tomorrow.

This therefore meant that shopping was the order of the afternoon, we really did need to restock the pantry and pick up some fresh fruit and vegetables. 
The remainder of the day saw Maciek sweating over the car saga and after being offered a bomb for his Pajero, he continued to sweat all night! He even went to the trouble of calling the terrible, but only dealers for Nissan and Mitsubishi in Hobart to determine what they could do, but as usual their reception was as if they are the only dealers in the whole of Australia and was totally Ridiculous! Which was exactly what we expected from them.
Therefor, the decision was left for MAciek to make, does he or doesn't he sell his current car mid way through our holiday?? .....after all the saying goes "you shouldn't change your horse mid flight!!".  

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