Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 70 - Adelaide

Today we decided to get out and see some more of Adelaide's touristy attractions. On the agenda was the National Aviation Museum and the Railway Museum. After a breakfast of polish sausages acquired at the Adelaide markets, it was off to the National Aviation Museum.

The museum is located in the historic precinct of Port Adelaide. The museum itself is quite extensive, focusing on all aspects of aviation. We all enjoyed walking around and looking at the old aircraft, including sitting in the cockpits and pretending to fly these wonderful machines. The kids had a blast!

From here, we went and grabbed a quick lunch at the oldest pub in Port Adelaide, called the Customs House.

Soon after, it was time to go and see the giants of the past, at the national railway museum. I must admit that the museum was right up there as far as museums go, with interactive displays, huge amount of information and a large selection of steam and diesel engines on display.

Krystian shopping with Pounds & Shillings.

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Yesteryear transport beauties!

The BIG beauty! 

Two kids for transport!

We spent a couple of hours just walking around and enjoying the sights of yesteryear. It must be said that the steam giants of years gone by have something majestic about them.

The end of the day saw us retreat back to the camp site for a BBQ tea and a catch up with some fellow travelers we met along the way.

Tomorrow will see us depart for Mt Gambier....

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