Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 73 - Mt Gambier to Appolo Bay

This morning we woke to a foggy day once again. However no rain which was good as we had to pack up the tent and all. After a hearty breakfast we packed up camp and hit the road.

Today would see us drive on the great ocean road with an aim at seeing the twelve apostles, or what was left anyhow.

On the way through we also managed to catch up with maciek's cousin who is in the process of moving to Adelaide.

We arrived at the twelve apostels at about 2pm or so and even with the fog and rain setting in, we ventured out and see one of Australia's natural wonders. 
We were not disappointed, even with the horrible  fog and rain. It was magnificent! The sand stone cliffs and the clear blue water made for a spectacular view.

London Bridge.

Loch Ard Gorge.

12 Apostles.

the beautiful Apostles.

It was decided there and then that we would most definitively be making a return visit to this wonderful place in summer time when the sun is shining and the fog stays away.

It was then onto Appolo Bay which took a lot longer then expected, the road is quite windy and very hilly, making the going slow, but enjoyable non the less.

It was here that owing a 4WD came in handy, as the water logged camp ground turned to MUD and more MUD. We managed to find a high spot away from all the water and set up camp in the horrid rain. A quick dinner before hitting the hot shower.

Due to the bad weather we all retreated to bed early to catch some much deserved rest and recuperation...

See you all tomorrow.

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