Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 54 - Tennant Creek

After a much needed sleep, we all awoke to the sleepy little town of Tennant Creek. It was here that we had our first real introduction to the Australian Native people. We are certain that we (white people) were out numbered by the Aboriginals here. Whilst they were pleasant, many of them were perceived to be quite intimidating. They all just sit perched on the sides of the roads, all day doing nothing, watching people pass by. We couldn't understand it and found it even more difficult explaining to the children why they do this all day.
Removing ourselves from the main road of Tennant Creek, we headed for the tourist attractions. Firstly winding up to the information center, which contains two museums. These museums, contained wonderful exhibits on the history of  Tennant creek, including its gold mine history and Gem stones. Both museums were fascinating and informative. Krystian even enjoyed both museums.

From here we took a small drive out to visit "the Pebbles" . We had read in literature that the Pebbles were far less beautiful and eye catching than the Devils Marbles but, nevertheless found it important to see for ourselves (and we couldn't compare them to anything else because we haven't seen any other natural rock formation on this journey yet). True to what we had read, the Pebbles are not that beautiful, but still worth the drive to see. The kids loved running around and playing at the lake on the way home and more so loved having the playground. 

Heading back to camp, we ate dinner and headed over to the Famous "Bush Tucker Man" The Jimmy Hooker Show. Tonight he was cooking damper and bush tea. Whilst very eccentric, he was fabulous to listen too. Sitting around the perfect camp fire, hilarious stories were shared and for someone who has struggled through life being illiterate he is an inspiration to all. So worth the $5 dollars we paid to attend his show. 

Trying out the Wattle bud bush soap

it really works!

Retiring for bed, another long day was to be had tomorrow driving from Tennant Creek to Alice Springs. 

Night all...

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