Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 52 & 53 - Mt Isa

Well Today is day 52 and 53 as we extended our stay in Mt Isa. Maciek barely slept all night, stewing over the car. He got up bright and early this am to go to the Nissan dealer to work on a deal to get the new car. So!..we have a new car!! He bought a new Nissan Patrol special release for the 50th Anniversary which comes completed with some very cool and much needed 4wd bits. After the stressful 24hours of getting everything signed, sealed and drive able towing the very heavy trailer i think the smile on my husbands face tells me he is happy. Needless to say that when he asks he says it is slow! For everyone that knows Maciek, having a slow "truck" to drive won't be a bad thing LOL Never the less he is happy because it is built to do the 4wd that he loves to do with his club mates.

Therefore, most of today was spend doing nothing really. The kids and i spend the morning and some of the afternoon at the campsite while Maciek sorted out all that needed to be done with the car. Emptying the pajero and saying our goodbyes (handing it over to the dealers);
Bella thought it was fab being able to dance in the back!
Maciek's new toy!

We then headed out for some lunch and attempted a second time to go to the Underground hospital but, again missed out. We headed to the huge playground and water park for the kids to have a run and play. Us big kids had fun too! 

The next morning we were due to head to Tennant Ceek. The car was not quite ready for towing as the Brake controller needed to be fitted so bright and early Maciek headed back to the dealer to take the car for its fitting. Whilst we waited for the car we packed up the trailer and for a third time (lucky)  finally got to see the Underground Hospital. It was amazing!! Maciek opted to sit outside with Bella as  she is super terrified of going underground. Krystian and I headed down to the hospital and he was totally in awe of what they had to display down there. 

No She does not sit that low in the rear there's a ditch on the other side.

Sunset as we pull into Tennant Creek.
Finally, we got on the road around 12:30. This meant for a long drive and setting up in the dark but never the less we pushed on and arrived into Tennent Creek around 7pm. It was silly, but super exciting crossing the Queensland and Northern Territory border. Maciek was super excited because the legal speed limit in the Territory is 130km/hr.

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