Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 71 - Adelaide to Mt Gambier

This morning saw us depart Adelaide for Mt Gambier. There is nothing much to report here as we didn't take any photos with the exception of the "Big Lobster" were we had lunch. We arrived at Mt Gambier at 4pm and made camp. Mt Gambier would have to be the coldest place yet! Freezing!! After all these days of camping, we are all starting to get sick of setting up the camper, even if we do have it down to a fine art.

We are all looking forward to our comforts of home, heater and a comfortable couch..... 7 days and counting.
Tomorrow there are many beautiful natural volcanic craters to admire, including the lakes and most famously Blue Lake.
Early to bed for us as there is nothing else to do when we are miserable from the cold. Thank goodness we invested in that heater in Uluru.

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