Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Day 55 & 56 & 57 - Alice Springs

Well, before you all think that we have been lazy by not blogging its because there was no internet!! so now i have to wreck my brain thinking about what we have seen and done over the past three days.
so here goes........

We arrived into Alice after an extremely long and boring drive from Tennant Creek. We hunted down the Big 4 caravan park and set up tent. The temperature difference between Tennant Creek and Alice Springs was a remarkable difference! It was fresh and, well let say COLD in Alice Springs. During the day was bearable with your winter clothes and jackets on but night time was a whole new ball game; Especially when sleeping in a tent!! -1 degrees is BLOODY FREEZING in a tent!
Needless to say, despite the cold we still had a fabulous time.
after a cold sleep the first night, we headed down to the local information center to suss out all of the 'touristry' things to be seeing and doing whilst in Alice.
Our first port of call was the school of the air. This was amazing!! The way the children and teachers can navigate their way around the internet is mind boggling. WE were lucky enough to visit there during school hours and so  could see just how it was all achieved. Krystian thoroughly enjoyed seeing how kids of the outback went to school.
From here we headed up to the Anzac lookout to check out Alice springs from the hill.
Today also included a visit to the Royal Flying Doctors Service hub. again, a totally amazing service put out there for all the locals and tourists to and around the outback from Alice.A very interesting and informative museum giving us a look behind the scenes from the RFDS.
A final pit stop for us today, saw us visiting the Old Ghan Museum. A great insight into the production and first few decades of the train lines around Australia, but especially the line from Adelaide to Darwin.
Retiring for the day, we headed back to camp for some dinner and a good night sleep. Tomorrows plans for us included visiting the Ormanston Gorge, Standley Chasm and the Ogre Pits.

School of the Air kids

Panorama of Alice Springs
During the day we also went and visited the Old Alice Goal. With in the Goal itself, was a fabulous exhibition about Women! The Woman's Hall of Fame! Celebrating everything women have achieved over the past. Amazing and empowering for all women! We have certainly achieved a lot over the past 100 years.

Woman's Hall of Fame

The old Alice Goal

Just like the RFDS planes at home

Maciek & Krystian on the flight simulator

RFDS medicine bag

Maciek pedaling the Radio!
Driving from Alice Springs (out slightly west) saw us arriving at Standley Chasm around lunch time for the perfect time to watch the spectacular sun reflecting from the top to the bottom of the Chasm. This place is totally Magnificent! Sadly, the photos don't do it justice. The walk in to the chasm was around 1.2 kms return along the river bed. The kids did an amazing job traipsing over the rocky river bed.  After a well deserved ice cream (we bribed the kids LOL) we jumped back in the car and headed out for Ormiston Gorge. Whilst there wasn't much water in the gorge it was spectacular! Here the kids ran around and played whilst we sat out looking into the gorge. It was here, that Bella decides she wants to be a ballerina LOL. Bella Ballerina!
Heading back towards home, we stopped in to admire the huge Ocre pits! WOW!! They were amazing. The penalty for taking any Ocre away from the site was $5000.00. This site was a sacred site for Aboriginal men. The monetary fine, i think, is enough to scare any one from taking any Ocre. The different colours swirled through out the wall was mind blowing.

Standley Chasm!

The kids chilling out after lunch.

Bella Ballerina!

Ormonston Gorge.

The Ocre Pits!

Bella's self portrait for Lette

After a long and tiring day of admiring Australian's amazing outback, we headed back for the tent, tired and hungry. Dinner, shower and bed was in order before another long day at it tomorrow.
Tomorrows plan?....Driving! Heading for one of Australia's greatest natural wonders - The Kings Canyon!

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