Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 61 - Uluru to Coober Pedy

What was suppose to be a long and boring 780km s ended up being mildly eventful! Casualty number one!! Not bad I suppose for the amount of kilometeres we have covered over the last two months.
We had driven 250km's of our 780 when we pulled over for a pee stop for the kids. 

Maciek jumped out of the car and noticed an awful burning smell! And the trailer wheel on a slight slant. After many swear words  flung around what was meant to be a two minute stop ended up being one hour. The wheel bearing cover had fallen off and the excessive heat from driving had caused the bearing to “cook itself” and in the process damaged the wheel hub! We thankfully had spare wheel bearings but sadly no hub. 

After some botchy bush mechanics and a much thanked hand from fellow Tasmanian’s we were back on the road. Things still weren’t flash and 30 km s down the highway, at the South Australian boarder we pulled over yet again to double check the situation. Due to the brakes causing extra heat and stress on the hub the new bearing had begun to get extremely hot. It was decided between the two mechanical engineers brains (we followed the Tassie clan for extra help and safety if needed) that the trailer brakes will have to be disconnected for the remainder of the trip if we wanted to get to Coober Pedy.   

Terrible but slightly funny after wards, Maciek was trying to get the trailer wheel off, which was stuck to the excessive heat and with a mighty pull the wheel flung off and smashed into his face, cutting the bridge of his nose and ? # it. After a small meltdown and gathering of his thoughts he was back at it, bandaid on nose at attempt number 2 to patch up the wheel in order for us to arrive safely into Coober Pedy. Sadly we have been unsuccessful at getting hold of a new hub for the trailer wheel and now have to nurse it until we arrive into Port Augusta – a further 580 kms from Coober Pedy.

Finally arriving in Coober Pedy, late but like the saying goes   “Better late than never!”

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