Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Sunday 17 June 2012

Day 69 - Adelaide Hills

Today, the weather has been terrible. Cold, foggy and raining! Despite this, we headed out and drove about 50kms from Adelaide CBD to visit the National Motor Museum. This is an amazing place, featuring all manner of automotive related memorabilia and a collection of 300 cars staring from the early 1890's all the way through to modern classics. I must say that the collection is truly amazing and really highlights just how much the automobile has developed from the early days of steam to present era.

We spent some 2+ hours at the museum taking hundreds of photos. Shortly after we decided to find a warm and cosy cafe for lunch, whcih was rather tasty followed by some lovely scones with Jam.

After lunch, the direction was set or Port Adelaide, to visit the childhood museum, which to our disappointment was closed. As it was getting onto 4pm now and with most things closing down, we decided to head home and attack the remaining attractions tomorrow.

Tomorrow will see us visit the railway, aviation and national maritime museums.

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