Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Day 22 - Hervey Bay

What a difference the night makes. Today we woke up to wonderful sunshine and a 28 degree day. As we had no plans it was off to the beach for some long deserved swimming and sand castle building. Bella and Krystian had a great time whilst us, the parents, soaked up the rays. It was quite surprising how warm the water was, however, no matter how warm little miss would still not go in.

I wonder what the poor people are doing ??????????
 After the swim we headed back for a quick change and off to the local icreamary for a nice cool down. Blond and I had the BEST ice-cream EVER, the younger kids enjoyed themselves very much.....

In the afternoon it was time for a spot of fishing on the second longest pier is Australia at 868m long. (BTW it takes FOREVER to walk there with fishing gear in one hand and a little person in the other) We did not catch any big ones; but every cast was a fish of some sought, all under 20cm long and certainly no keepers. but we all had a blast simply being out and having fun.

Dady and baby girl hand in hand going fishing. "Bella not like fishy"

To top of the day, as the sun began to set, we were privileged to encounter one of the most amazing suns sets we have seen in a long time. The photo does not do it justice, but it did make us OLD farts feel rather nostalgic about just what we were doing on this trip.

So now as we sit here, looking up at the clear night sky, wandering why we would want to be anywhere else.......

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