Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 46 - Cairns

I'm not so sure what we have done to deserve all of the rain that we have coped along our travels. Over night we experienced torrential rain AGAIN!! The campsite is like a swimming pool. We were puzzled as to what to do or where to go but everything was wet and damp! Thank goodness for Mcdonalds!! Running to the car, we all bee-lined for Mcdonalds for breakfast, coffee and Krystian's school work. Three hours later we decide we should leave Mcdonalds and go and do something productive LOL
Back on our mission to find Bella a new bed we headed for the shopping center in search of Kmart. Walla!! a new bed was finally found!! Pink and shiny just how Bella likes it!!
Heading back to the campground, the kids headed off to play with their new friends and i headed to the laundry! A woman's work is never done!! All of the towels and clothes needed to be washed and dried prior to us leaving tomorrow. Whilst waiting for the washing we went for a quick dip in the freezing pool and warm spa. Aaahhhh! thank goodness for that warm spa.
The evening was spent  sharing dinner, chatting and laughing with some "new friends" from Melbourne. Before we knew it was midnight and we all made a speedy exit to bed (all expecting to have grumpy children in the morning).

a very strange black and yellow spider!

A big ants nest in the bush!

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