Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day 43 - Cairns

We did not have much planed for today and as such did not leave the camp site till 10 am. Our first mission was to find Bella a new bed as her current bed (Krystian's old one) is now starting to fall apart.

We did the rounds of the local camping shops but no one has a 3/4 stretcher bed like we have, so the search was fairly fruitless. We did however, come across a camping shop which had a giant folding camping chair on display, this was rather funny as it made all the people who sat on it look tiny.

From the camping shops we hit the local central shopping district to see what Cairns had on offer. Unfortunately we forgot our camera so no photos today.
We did not find anything worth a mention so we returned back to the camp site to let the kids have a swim.
We did meet some people from Victoria who are staying at the same caravan park as us, who are on their way to Cape York, so we met up after dinner for a good old chin wag, ending in a very late night for all.

Tomorrow we are doing the Kuranda skyrail and scenic rail experience. If only the showers would let up that would be great....

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