Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Day 24 - Hervey Bay - Rockhampton

WOW! what a long drawn out day. From Hervey Bay to Rockhampton is 420kms and it took us 5.5 hours to get there (just of driving not including stopping time). We are all exhausted, but we have to say i think the kids have learned their lesson from yesterday. Today saw the kids behavior improve ten fold and really try to be at their best  for one of the Longest drives we have had to date. We were/are really impressed and VERy pleased with this change. There are so many road works on the highways/motor/freeways its incredible. I think the longest stretch was sign posted for roadworks for following 85kms! Crazy!!! Thank god for Bundaberg in the middle and for the Rum Distilery! Not only did the big kids enjoy it but so did our little ones. Krystian loved learning about how they make alcohol from Malasis (a sugar by-product).  We enjoyed the taste testing (little people got to have soft drink). We discovered different labels of Bundy that we didn't know existed. I don't even like or drink dark spirits but i really enjoyed the Bundaberg Rum red label (so did Maciek strangely!.......we never like anything the same!). More exciting was the fact that in your entry pass you were given two complimentary taste tests from their own bar. They were full sized nips of any of the Rum labels (except one). We enjoyed our first drinks and for my second i enjoyed a special Bundaberg Liquor! It was beautiful. Enjoyed with cream. Of course you can only purchase this liquor at the Bundaberg distilary so we had to buy one to take home with us and not forgetting to mention, was the fact that we were able to tick of another of the Australian "Big Things" today. The Big Rum Bottle!

Bella and her love for self portraits - looking rather "odd"!

Sugar Cane

....and Again! This one's for Lette!

Me and my liquor!
We are all shattered from our big day of driving and it was a matter of racing the light to set up the tent and cook dinner. Finally, at ten thirty at night and maciek and I are calling it a day. Night all xx

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh. Torrential rain, cane toads, rum, humidity... You guys are making me so homesick! It's great fun reading this at work every day (and even better booking it to the RHH job muahahaha [kidding - please don't fire me!!]). Enjoy the trip :-)
