Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Day 29 - Whitsundays

Today could not have ended quick enough! The kids woke early, and were instantly grumpy and backchating. Great! we knew we were in for a great day. We didn't plan on doing much today anyway, as we were all tired from our long day the night before. So........
We spent the majority of the day at the pool swimming and baking in the sun.

The kids could have swam all day. But we decided to go for a drive and check out the main drag of Airley Beach. We went on the hunt to try and get a picture of the bays from up high. This proved to be more difficult than expected. We managed to find a new subdivision of houses that hadn't sold yet that was well up on one of the mountain ranges. The views were amazing!

We decided to head out for a quick lunch of fish and chips. We found a little fish shop and proceeded to order, only. As we came out of the shop, we were approach by non other then Aaron Justs' parents from Tassie. I mean what are the chances of us stooping in the same place at the same time some 4500km from home.  We had a great yarn and later caught up for coffee.

An early dinner was had and the kids had one last play at the playground before retiring to bed for an early night. 

UPDATE: The roads to the cape are ow open so it looks like we can make it to the top. YEEEHHHHAAAAAA

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