Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 38 - Cape York "The Tip"

Completing the last leg if the journey took us from Bramwell to the top. This was only a 2.5 hour drive. We are really pleased that we did the huge drive yesterday. Stopping today at the Jardine River to get on the ferry, we met up with some lovely people being towed from the norther end of the telegraph track as they had swamped their 4WD. WOOPS!! We had earlier heard today, the lady from Bramwell Junction Roadhouse trying to deter some travelers from going down that track as it was in very poor condition, especially after the rain they had had over the last week.

From the Jardine River ferry it was only 45 kms to camp. From Seisa (where we are camping) to the tip is a further 34kms. A trip which we did later in the afternoon. Along the track to the tip we stopped off at the Croc Tent; a shop selling touristy icon of Cape York. The lady was very welcoming and lovely to chat to. after making some purchases we set off again in search of the pole at the tip!

Krystian did make us laugh on the way. He wanted to know why we wanted to go to the tip? He didn't understand why we wanted to see rubbish!! LOL. We delightedly told him that this wasn't the case that it was the tip of the Australian land not a pile of rubbish! This will be great to pull out at his 18th. 

Hooray!! We finally made it to the top of Australia (well the northern end anyway). We all have totally mixed emotions about being here today. 

Reaching the tip saw many emotions in all of us, Krytian was rather excited about being at the top, once he figured out we were not going to the tip. Whilst blond and I shed a tear or two about finally accomplishing what we had set out to do, which was reach the tip of Australia (along with paying our respects to a long friend, See separate page)

The scenery from the tip was rather amazing and we have all agreed that out of all the places we have been to, this was the one place that really stood out in terms of the scenery and sheer natural beauty. 

Tomorrow will see us got on a day trip to Thursday island with Saturday being a day of rest and hopefully some nice fishing, only to start the down hill leg of our travels back to home.

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