Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Sunday 13 May 2012

Day 34 - Port Douglas

Happy mothers day to all mothers out there!
 Today saw us (wog and the kids) wake early in preparation for mothers day. Breakfast of poached eggs and bacon! The kids woke mummy up to some beautiful cards they had made for her.
Today being Sunday we were lucky enough to have the local Port Douglas markets on at the foreshore. These markets are great with a huge variety of items for sale. We managed to spend 2 hours walking around and could have spent more.

We managed to pick up a few trinkets and a new boomerang for Krystian, to replace the one I (wog) lost at Rockhampton.
After the hustle and bustle of the markets we headed out to Mossman Gorge just outside of Port Douglas.. We had been told to make a visit there as it was beautiful.

The George was quite nice but now coming into dry season many of the small creeks and rivers were low and not as spectacular as we expected.

We spent some time walking arround and admiring the scenery before it was time for some lunch. We decided to drive north to the small town of Daintree for a quick bite to eat and coffee.

In keeping with the big theme, we came across the big barramundi!

With the afternoon fast approaching we headed back home for some R&R in the pool, where i stupidly went down the kidy slide popping my knee out, good an proper! It is incredibly
 sore :-( I forget that old age is creeping up on me, and my body just isn't like it was when i as 18. 

Mummy reading stories to Bella & Krystian. 

It was time for dinner soon after with a yummy grilled chicken and cous cous. 

Tomorrow sees us leave Port Douglas for Cooktown via the Bloomfield track and all going well we should arrive in Cooktown after lunch.

See you all tomorrow

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