Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Sunday 6 May 2012

Day 27 - Rocky to Whitsundays

Today saw us depart Rockhampton heading up to the Whitsundays. We got up nice and early and left the camp at about 8:30 or so, knowing that the road ahead was long at about 480km. This also mean that with the current fuel consumption of the Paj, we would have to make a stop at about 400km for fuel. Once we set of from Rocky we found the going quick and easy with little traffic on the road. So we made hay whilst the sun shone so to speak and made up some time. We seamed to cover kilometers quickly today and stooped in at Mackay for fuel and a well deserved lunch stop. We need to invest in shares at Mc Donalds I think as they are usually the only place with a play ground to let the kids have a play.

On the way up Krystian suggested that he should do his home work in the car, that way he would not have to waste any of his holiday time whilst camping. This was a great suggestion and we jumped at the chance to have K do homework without any whinging and so forth. I must say the transformation in the kids over the past three days has been unreal, i guess it took a while to adjust to the whole being together 24 hours a day and all.

Humm one plus one equalls........

Mad hatter at work, best place in the house I say.
Look at the road...........

Mobile classroom and yes the teddies sit in on the class

On the way to Whitsundays, wheres the dam water?

We arrived at the Whitsundays a bit after 3pm which was great really seeing as in the past this would take some 6 hours of just driving to cover the same Kms, then again the driving might have had something to do with it, I (wog) have only seen 3 cop cars on the roads in the last 5000 km.

Once set up we spent some time in the pool here at the camp site which has 2 water slides, two spas and is nice and warm. After dinner it was time for a movie under the stars in the outdoor cinema.

Tomorrow we need to get up early, like 5:45 am early, to depart for our big day on Day dream and Long island, all expenses paid cruise including a buffet Breakfast and lunch, got that B..U...F...F..E..T, now that is my kind of cruise.

Hope to have a bit more of an upgrade plus photos of the camper so you can all see how we actual live.

Trust all is well down cold and miserable south........Did i mention its still 24 degree C at 9pm..........Sorry must have missed that fact........LOL.

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