Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Monday 28 May 2012

Day 49 - Richmond QLD

Today, we have embraced the little country town and just relaxed! We all slept in (a well needed and deserved sleep in) and pottered around the tent. After a late pancake breakfast, we headed down the main street to check out the tourist attraction "Kronosaurus Corner". Richmond itself, is famous for its dinosaur fossils! Hence what Kronosaurus corner is all about. It was Fabulous!! Krystian had a ball admiring all of the fossils and once we learnt all there was to learn about fossils we were able to head out to two fossil hunting sites to look for our own fossils!  Maciek and Krystian enjoyed this more than us princesses LOL However, in saying this we did manage to find some small fossils to take home.

After all the had work digging for fossils, we made our way back into town to find some where for lunch. This proved to be more difficult than first thought! Nothing here seems to be open on a Monday. We managed to find the one and only cafe open and get ourselves some tucker! After stuffing ourselves, we headed back to the tent for a rest and some cricket. Well, Maciek and Krystian played cricket and Bella and I watched a movie in my bed called Hop. Cool kids movie! Before sundown, we headed out to Lake Fred Tritton and the Bush tucker garden for a walk and play at the play ground. A nice easy stroll  around the lake for the kids and the playground does contain a water park but it was far to cold to even consider getting wet! For dinner we consumed some of Richmonds prize winning Bangers (sausages) and an early night was had by all (simply because once the sun goes down so does the heater and its bloody freezing!!). 
Tomorrow sees us on the road again heading for Mt Isa. Just a small drive from here around 380kms. 

A special golf Putt - Hole in one wins you a new car!

Sunset at the Camp site

Maciek and I have really enjoyed our two days in Richmond! For a small remote country town it really is quite beautiful!

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