Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Friday 4 May 2012

Day 25 - Rockhampton

Today was a whole new day and everyone awoke smiling!! (Thank the lord). I was very spoilt and got to sleep in till 8:30. (Wog, I let her sleep in almost every day, arnt I nice, partly because the tent turns into a sauna the minute the sun hits it.) We set off early in search of the Koorana Crocodile Farm. We had no idea where we were going, and could only find GPS coordinates that landed us in the middle of the sea LOL. Strangely, Maciek some how found the correct coordinates by fluke!  We set off in a cloud of dust to hunt down some crocs!

Holy Hell! I've never seen a real crocodile before (none of us had) and I 'm not so sure, after seeing these giant beasts that i would like to tackle one EVER!! They are HUGE. We had a fantastic time at the crocodile farm. We were even privileged enough to watch a baby crocodile hatching from its egg. So amazing!!

Moving on from this little fella, went went out and admired the BIG BOYS!! and fed them of course. Krystian was fascinated and Bella was scared and cried (as usual).  

We highly recommend this crocodile farm to anyone. It was well priced and offered all there is to offer around crocodiles. We got a quick lesson on crocodile safety and things to know when around crocodile country; We foud this very helpful , considering we are heading well into croc country.  To finish off a fantastic tour we were able to hold and feel a small infant crocodile. 

Everyone was so well behaved we thought we would treat the kiddies to a swim at a local water slide swim park, but of course it was CLOSED!! Instead we spent the remainder of the afternoon swimming in the pools at the caravan park. The kids would live in the pool if they could!

Today also saw us learning handy hint & lesson number three. Double check the places you want to visit as we have discovered the last few days that many places only run two tours per day; and they are always on at the same time. Disappointing for us. We wanted to take the kids to the Aboriginal dream time center to  introduce the Aboriginal history to them, but, we failed at checking tour times and days and missed out on this fun exercise due to them only being open 10 - 3 Mon to Friday.With tours being 10:30 and 1pm. It was currently 1:30 when discovering this mistake. Woops!! We are sure we will find plenty more cultural centers on our travels but this one caught our eye due to them teaching you how to throw a boomerang properly. 

Krystian purchased a boomerang and is desperate to learn how to use it (properly).  

Tomorrow sees us heading for the Capricorn Caves and the Rockhampton Zoo. Here's hoping for another fabulous 28 degree sunny day. 

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