Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Monday 21 May 2012

Day 42 - Cairns

Today began like no other day thus far, as we were all inside a building and not a tent, this seamed like a bit of a novelty for all and we lazed around in our beds and watched TV before heading down stairs for breakfast.

One we had gorged ourselves on a feast of bacon and eggs and all that comes with a full buffet breakfast, it was onto our number one mission for the day, CLEANING the car and the camper  the red dirt. It is amazing just where the dust gets in...and HOW?????

We found a car wash and proceeded to clean.......and clean.......and clean.......

Who knew that under all that gunk was a white car and a gray trailer, all be it missing some paint from the severe sand blasting it sustained.

After the car wash it was onto our camp site where we spent close to 3 hours cleaning everything inside and out. We did cop a far bit of dust in the pantry box, mainly due to the seal against the rear door vibrating over corrugations. With the camper now clean, all be it still supporting a light tinge of red, LOL, we headed out for dinner to Sizzler as a treat for the kid (and the adults).

Now we sit here and rework our trip plans as we have some extra time up our sleeve to chill and relax along the way. We have found heaps of things to do in Cains so we will b staying here a bit longer.

See you all tomorrow.....

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