Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 38 - In memory of Matt Hamilton

Many years ago when I (wog) was riding with the crew form Joes Garage in Hobart, one Tuesday night, sitting over a pint or two having a good old chinwag to Matt, I suggested that one day we should all ride to the tip of Australia. Matt replied in his usual way, "sure when?"

Matt, for all those who knew him was quite a character, always willing to help out others and always willing to lend a helping hand. Such was his tenacity for life that when Blond had our first child, Krystian, Matt was one of the first people on the phone to congratulate us and to make sure we were all doing well.

Unfortunately Matt passed away last year to the shock of many who knew him, including Blond and I. So it seamed only befitting that I (we) honour ones mates promise to ride to the tip. Whilst we did not ride I am sure that Matt was with us the whole way, smiling with his cheeky silly grin, knowing that he was planing some childish prank in the back ground.

So this page is dedicated in Memory of Matt Hamilton, may you for ever ride into the sun shine where ever you are. Rest in peace mate, we finally got there in the end.


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