Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 47 - Cairns, again.

Well what a difference a day make, we woke to a sunny morning, overcast and NO rain. We were suppose to be heading out for Charters Towers today but we decided that we could do one big day driving on Sunday instead of two smaller ones and spend an extra day in Cairns. This place is amazing there is JUST so much to do here every town has something to offer.

As last night was rather late, we did not wake till 9 am, which for us is a big sleep in. We decided that today we would use the parks facilities first prior to heading out, so we hit the tennis courts for some racquet action, needless to say non of us are tennis stars.

After our morning endeavors we headed out to Mareeba, to a place called Coffee Works. This place great, you pay $38 to get for a family, you get to have ALL YOU CAN DRINK coffee and ALL YOU CAN EAT Chocolate, (I love all you can eat or drink). The kids had milkshakes and did try some nice local teas as well.

In the back of the building there is an amazing Coffee museum, this place was unreal, there is every type of coffee related appliance, grinder, roaster ever conceived. I (wog) even found coffee grinder we had in Poland when we were growing up.

We spent 3 hours wandering around and enjoying the sites and tastes of all different varieties of coffee to be had, their chocolate is not bad either.

We left the coffee place, feeling a little hyped up and sick at the same time, I have never drank so much coffee in my entire life. From there on it was onto the local Heritage museum, which was free so that's a bonus.

This place was actually very well appointed and had a lot of heritage items we have never seen, including a railway ambulance which as sold to the museum for $10 and it still runs.

We were a bit short on time here which was pity as it really had a lot to see and offer.

We made a B line for home stopping at a Local Dick Smith to pick up a TV laptop dongle as we really are missing the news and TV in general, so now the camper i fully kitted out. LOL.

Tomorrow sees us doing LONG drive into the center of Australia, here's hoping the roads will be in good condition. 

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