Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Monday 14 May 2012

Day 35 - Port D to Cooktown via the Bloomfield track

YEAAAHHHHHAAA we survived the Bloomfield track!  We left Port Douglas a bit later the we would have hoped as we all slept in; ohh well we are on holidays after all. The idea was to head over to Cape tribulation and then up the Bloomfield track into Cooktown. For those in the know, this track can be easy or impossible, pretty much the only two extremes. As we have just started to come into the dry season, majority of the creeks were low with only a couple of them higher than the cars sill height.
We arrived at the Daintree ferry at about 10 am ready for our crossing. From there, it was a 80 km drive to Cape Tribulation, followed by a further 120 km to Cooktown via the Bloomfield track.

The first creek crossing.

Maciek assessing the creek crossing depth!

We arrived at the start of the Bloomsfield track expecting the worse, luckily it was not as bad as we had anticipated. Some of the hill sections are VERY step, close to vertical in sections, which is 45 deg to you and I. Lucky these sections are concrete as there would be no way of making it over otherwise.

The track was cut up in sections and fairly rutted across the creeks. We managed to get across fine, with the rear guard for the rock tamers copping a hidding along with a hole in an air line for the rear shock absorber  air bag. This was due to the line getting over heated from the exhaust over the past 6500km. Needles to say that Krystian and I (wog) had a blast on this track. Repairs were carried out at the caravan park and all is good now.

Once we emerged back to "civilisation" aka Bloomfield, we followed the river out to Cooktown. We were lucky enough to spot some crocodiles in the wild, basking in the sun on the side of the river. We were all, strangely very excited (leaping from the car) to see our very first crocodiles in the wild!

We continued on North to arrive the iconic Lions Den Hotel for a spot of lunch. What a great place!  This is a must visit for anyone going this way. We were unable to write our names on the wall as this is only reserved for those staying at the pub over night. BUGGGAAA

It was onto Cooktown, arriving in town around 3pm. We set up in time for a quick triparound the town and into the supermarket. The kids have been so well behaved we decided they deserved a treat and so ice cream was bought and well deserved.

Tomorrow sees us visiting the touristy parts of town and a spot of fishing if all goes well. From there on its 800km to the top, needles to say I am supper excited whilst worried at the same time, hoping we make it back with no major issues.

We depart for the tip on Wednesday..........................................

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