Oz Me Abroad!

The Great Family Dream! The great Aussie Adventure!

Saturday 19 May 2012

Day 39 - Thursday Island

Today we took a side step and headed over to Thursday Island for the day. What a beautiful place. We caught the Peddells Ferry from Seisa to Thursday Island and then ventured around the island by bus. A nice civilised day for us to relax and think about where we are and what we have achieved (and what is left to come).

We were lucky enough to visit Green Hill Forte (a historical world war 1 defense forte) and browse around the small but interesting museum housed under neath the forte itself.

From here we traveled around the island and stopped in at the Japanese Pearl divers memorial. the cemetery was hugely overgrown but interesting never the less.
The bus tour as only for an hour and a half and from here we walked around the island CBD (if you can call it that) and met up with some family friends for lunch. It was lovely to see them and catch up on all of the family news.
The day disappeared quickly and we were back on the ferry and on our way back to the mainland before we knew it. An early night was had by all ready for what tomorrow will bring us.

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